Friday, September 12, 2008


This is the view from my balcony of my apartment around 12pm today. The wind was starting to slowly pick up and I heard nothing but silence. Kinda crazy considering I live right off of I-10. I did get in my car today to go to the store for last minute things before IKE comes. My parents are FREAKING just a LITTLE! They are so funny but seriously Mom and Dad I taped my windows so therefore my fort will not blow away. :0)

I decided to go around my apartment to see what everyone is doing because I just moved here and have never experienced all the excitment. So these are a few pictures I took. Notice the one with the boards over the windows. I took the picture and stopped to look at it and zoomed in and noticed this scary man looking at me through his window. So I started to walk really fast because it scared me and he came out and said, "YOU TAKE PICTURE!" I said in a cowardly way, "Yes, I thought it was interesting." Haha. He probably thought I was going to get him in trouble because we are not suppose to nail wood over our windows.

Right now it is 3:10pm. The wind is picking up and I felt a few sprinkles.

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